Monday, September 7, 2015

summer 2015

We discovered a secret beach. You have to park at a state park and hike 30 minutes but it's incredible.
Simon made us stop on the side of the road on the way home to pick apples. He is trying to become a professional cider-maker.
Because our rented apartment is so crappy, and because it's been insanely hot, I decided to turn our bedroom into a jungle.

Plant care is a lot more complicated than I thought. They looked great in July when this photo was taken, now they are all half dead.

I am doing a series of illustrations about the heatwave. I am hoping to make a 'zine' when they are all finished. I'll be sure to save one for you.
In the story, I begin to think that my plants are evil cause I am listening to too much Yoko Ono.
We also went on a day hike to Portland Mountain. It's been so dry that there is a Burn Ban--no campfires allowed.
I am also working on some wedding decorations for Lucy. Our neighbor has an impressive wood pile.
A typical breakfast at our house.
This is my favorite painter right now.